Goshen Country is a small scale farm and green grocer growing organic vegetables in Cape Paterson. Farmers Michael and Emma grow seasonal produce and sell it directly from the farmgate shop.
From their website:
Hello friends,
Goshen Country is a small-scale vegetable farm just a hop, skip and jump from the coastline in Cape Paterson, South Gippsland. Our focus is on providing delicious chemical free food for the community. We grow our vegetables organically and produce a wide variety of crops throughout the seasons as well as a selection of heritage plums and apples over the summer months. We farm for community, for health, for flavour but most of all for LOVE! – Emma & Mikey
Our farm gate is open Sun/Mon/Thur: 10am-3pm.
Online orders are available via The Prom Coast Food Collective. Click ‘Shop’ to link directly to their website.